By Brian F. Johnson
Photos by Lindsay McWilliams
b. side Lounge
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Seriously, what do I need to do? Hit y’all in the head?
I’ve been talking about Buffalo Killers for two years now, sometimes to an annoying amount, but you’ve all failed to listen to me.
Last night, the Ohio-based trio played an absolutely blistering set at the b.side lounge. The problem is that they played that set to about 15 people.
Now, there ain’t a band out there that hasn’t had a Tuesday night like that. It’s a suck-ass, practical reality of a band on the road, but if you’d all start listening to me a bit more, the bands that deserve a good crowd on any given night wouldn’t have to deal with this shit.
And Buffalo Killers do deserve a good audience.
Despite the dismal crowd, the band powered through material from both of their albums, 2006’s self-titled debut and last month’s release, Let It Ride. Brothers Andy and Zach Gabbard command the stage with their towering presence. Both boys are about six-feet tall and Zach in particular is a hairy, bearded freak that was clearly designed and manufactured for one reason only — to play rock and roll.
But the real surprise of the night was drummer Joseph Sebaali, whose style and skill is utterly mind-blowing. With eyes pointed toward the ceiling for the majority of the set, Sebaali rarely glanced down at his ample kit, which featured double kick drums and two massive floor toms. His playing is fierce, almost frantic, with machine gun fills that are as fun to watch as they are to hear.
If there were any justice in this world there would have been a packed house to witness this beast of a band. With more dates scheduled as openers for The Black Crowes there’s little doubt that the Buffalo Killers will continue to grow their fan base, and hopefully they’ll give Boulder another chance in the future.
Check out their video for the song “Get Together Now Today”