Harmonious Junk
Too Cocky In Nagasaki
Dubious Maximus Music
4 out of 5 stars
Harmonious Junk is for all intents and purposes a feel-good band — mixing a friendly humor reminiscent of Zappa with the funk of James Brown. And, simply put, former James Brown guitarist and Harmonious junk leader, Damon Wood knows how to kick it.
Taking you on a trip through the musical ethers, Too Cocky in Nagasaki showcases the band’s studio efforts with a fierce command and a refreshingly loose feel at the same time. It shows not only a reminiscent introspection (“My Friend and Me”) but a jokingly relaxed attitude (“Hippy Girl”).
The band juxtaposes the best talent any jam/funk band has to offer with the chilled out point of view of a seasoned and experienced group proving that no subject is off limits. The music is mostly illustrative of a summer barbecue with good beer, good smoke and pretty girls dancing all around the place.
Featuring legendary bassist and vocalist from the Brown days, Fred Thomas, the album expresses its talent in a smooth yet funky, at times jazzy, journey through genres. Harmonious Junk landed “Best Jamband” by Westword in 2005 and the band lives up to its reputation by providing the funkiest, grooviest, and headiest rhythms and musical expositions to the Front Range.
This is the epitome of music to “get down” to.
— Michael Hedrick