Dave Tamkin
Dave Tamkin
Over five songs, and a mere 17 minutes of playtime, Boulder by way of Chicago songwriter Dave Tamkin puts forth a collection of tracks that are sophisticated, easy-listening and radio friendly.
Accompanied by an ample string section, the album opens up with Tamkin singing “Demons and You” which straddles the fence of the uplifting and the melancholy — a technique he utilizes throughout the EP. With an acoustic guitar pumped through pedal effects, Tamkin continues on “Rollercoaster” to tackle the highs and lows of life. On “Caught In Amber” he employs an electro-heavy blend almost akin to a Blue Man Group tone of melodic percussive interludes. “Love Hope Strength,” the most radio-ready song on the album, is an inspirational and soaring track and all of the online sales for the song will be donated to the local charity of the same name. Tamkin caps the EP with the deep, haunting introduction of “Mary.” “Mary” seems to capture all that Tamkin is trying to showcase on the EP — deep messages overtop songs that could be played simply on just an acoustic guitar, but are instead layered with accents that bring out the tracks’, and for that matter the whole EP’s, full potential.
Walnut Room | April 15
Sofar Denver | April 23