Duran Duran

Wells Fargo Theatre – Denver, Colo.
May 12, 2008

By Soren McCarty


Last night, ’80s new wave kings Duran Duran took the Wells Fargo Theatre by storm.

Going to this concert filled my cloudy mind with memories from a past that seems like a lifetime ago. I used to sit behind a girl named Christine in 7th grade algebra, she had a sweatshirt with John Taylor’s face airbrushed on it. This was her prized possession, like many other girls at my school Duran Duran was her favorite band.

In many was I was hoping to run into people from junior high or high school. Unfortunately this did not happen. I was hoping for a random awkward reunion of sorts.

I was blown away by how good Duran Duran were, they had a great stage presence Monday night, they sounded really good and their stage show was fantastic. Being a photographer I am partial to the light show, which was simply outstanding.

On tour for their latest CD Red Carpet Massacre , they had a good turn out of diehard fans. It’s good to see that they still have so many people who love their music. They played a mix of newer songs and some of their classics such as “Hungry Like the Wolf,” “Skin-divers,” “The Reflex,” “Save a Prayer,” “View to a Kill,” “Notorious,” “Girls on Film,” “Wild Boys” and they closed the night with “Rio.”

The great thing about seeing bands from the ’70s and ’80s is that they really play to the crowd and make it an experience. They want you to walk out of the show feeling like the kid who would get a shirt airbrushed with you favorite band member.

Anyone know where to get anything airbrushed these days? I guess I’ll have to make a trip to Aurora.

Photos by Soren McCarty


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